Why choose us?
Dudley council’s fostering team is dedicated to placing the borough’s looked after children with quality foster carers who feel appreciated and valued.
Although fostering agencies can place children on Dudley’s behalf, the fostering team is committed to placing as many children as possible with Dudley Council’s internal foster carers, in placements supported 24 hours a day by our own dedicated social workers.
By doing this the fostering team can make sure placements are stable and provide the very best environment for the borough’s looked after children.
Our fostering service plays an essential role in making sure Dudley’s children are safe and healthy and have the opportunity to enjoy life. We work with foster carers and other professionals to make sure we provide the best for our children and young people.
We also:
provide a financial package which includes an allowance for the child or children, carers fee and a skills payment scheme
provide financial support for equipment such as pushchairs, car seats, cots, beds and bedroom furniture
provide additional allowances for a child’s birthday, Christmas and holidays
offer 24 hour support, 365 days a year
have a dedicated team of social workers
allocate a dedicated fostering supervising social worker to support you
offer training to prepare you to become a carer
provide an on-going training programme to support you
provide KEEP training which is a positive parenting training programme to help carers improve skills and resilience when looking after children
provide membership to the National Fostering Network
give access to peer support and mentoring
give access to foster carer support groups
issue monthly newsletters to keep our carers updated on the fostering service
give our carers a detailed handbook to support them in their role
are a non profit organisation